After reading Robert Draper's profile of Sarah Palin that will run in the New York Times Magazine on Sunday -- the one in which she says "I am" thinking about running for president -- I remain convinced that she won't for three reasons.Capehart backs-up his reasoning very neatly, even devastatingly. See whether you don't agree by reading his post, Sarah Palin needs to 'man up' if she's going to run. Right now -- and probably up until the point of no return -- Palin is going to be "thinking" about running, because she is able to garner attention by being coy about her intentions.
First, the half-term governor is a whiner. ...
Second, to be blunt, if Palin is running for the nomination, she is half-assing it right now. ...
The third, and most important, reason why I think Palin won't run for president is because she is spectacular at being a star. ...
A Sad Moment in American History
2 days ago
Hahahahaha, sure Sarah's going to speak out against her cubs recent indiscretions. And I can see Russia from my house. Willow and Bristol made those insensitive remarks because Mama has and expresses those very same hateful feelings. Mama will defend her cubs and applaud their ignorant remarks before she will ever chastise them. Remember, they were just exercising their right of free speech, dontcha know?
Thats her: Coy, like a 14yr old beauty pageant walkin young girl.
There is nothing else in there.
She has managed to coyly attract the old white men and the women who wish they had pageant walked also too.
Why!, her own crowd is jealous of her!
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