Saturday, August 14, 2010

Social Security is 75 Years Old

With Republicans planning to enrich themselves and their banking cronies by privatizing it, President Obama, today, praised Social Security and warned against Republican schemes to bankrupt the middle class.

From The NY Times:

WASHINGTON — President Obama has taken the lead in a Democratic offensive on Social Security, warning that Republicans will revive efforts to privatize what is perhaps the government’s most popular program if they seize control of Congress in the November elections.

“I’ll fight with everything I’ve got to stop those who would gamble your Social Security on Wall Street,” Mr. Obama said on Saturday in his weekly national address. “Because you shouldn’t be worried that a sudden downturn in the stock market will put all you’ve worked so hard for — all you’ve earned — at risk.” ...

And, from The Voice of America:

President Barack Obama says the United States cannot afford to privatize Social Security, which he says would tie senior citizens' benefits to the ups and downs of the stock market.

In his weekly address, Mr. Obama said Social Security is a cornerstone in the foundation of the country's middle class, and gives seniors a chance to retire with dignity. He spoke on the program's 75th anniversary, saying he will fight against privatizing Social Security while he is president. ...

The President's Weekly Address:

Weekly Address: Honoring Social Security, Not Privatizing It from The White House on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Joie Vouet said...

Don't forget to vote in November. Republicans didn't get enough during the Bush years and want to retake the House in order to continue to rape and plunder America.