In this wonderful Harper's Bazaar photo of Bristol Palin and her son Tripp, it's apparent that her modeling career is off to a good start.
Of course, the gown is beautiful, but it's Bristol's hair color and skin tone that perfectly complement the gown and set it off so effectively.
The photography is nothing less than excellent. Perspective and composition are under control, the sweets' colors are vibrant, and Tripp is interesting in his own right, yet the gown remains the center of attention.
The photo indicates that the gown is a Lanvin and available for $4385 at Barney's in New York and L.A. The gown isn't shown at Barney's on the web, here, but a strapless floral dress in blue, which, like the gown, has a waist adornment and twisted bodice, can be seen here. A pouchette, which appears to match the dress, can be seen here and is available for $1005.
See "Bristol Palin's Solo Act" at Harper's Bazaar.
The dress and pouchette will be perfect for an afternoon at the museum. Thanks!
How does this support her claim to be a financially struggling single mom?
Doesn't it send the wrong message to teens who might be contemplating pregnancy or sex? Get pregnant and live like me, see!
Tea and cakes - the perfect diet for a toddler, eh?
I coulda spit my tea, but don't run with that gang. Nice.
What was that she said about Levi exploiting their son with pictures in magazines or on TV? Another friggin' Palin hypocrite, gag!
Like mother, like daughter...we have a new version in this article about how Bristol told her Mother she was pregnant with Tripp. It also says she bought this condo, furniture, car, etc. with all her own money. Last, but not least, Levi is something she just wants to forget about. Someone needs to tell her you can't just forget your child's father, at least not for the next 18 years!
She has turned into a little bitch, a mirror image of her Mother. How disgusting this entire family is and how I want to see them found out and revealed to the world.
Like mother, like daughter...we have a new version in this article about how Bristol told her Mother she was pregnant with Tripp. It also says she bought this condo, furniture, car, etc. with all her own money. Last, but not least, Levi is something she just wants to forget about. Someone needs to tell her you can't just forget your child's father, at least not for the next 18 years!
She has turned into a little bitch, a mirror image of her Mother. How disgusting this entire family is and how I want to see them found out and revealed to the world.
Anyone know the highchair brand? Looks like it might be Cosco? Too hard to see.
She looks like a high end call girl. But you knew that already!
By the way, I am serious about Bristol being very good at modeling this gown. Originally, the title was 'Bristol Palin: Tea Party Hostess,' then it was changed to 'Bristol Palin: Fashion Model,' then to what it is now (it will always show-up in Google with its original title). There is some irony in this 'Tea Party' shot, but she would have modeled the gown just as just as well serving milk or -- OMG! -- Kool-Aid.
Its a beautiful dress and Bristol models it well, but what is the message to teen-age moms. If Bristol wants to continue to speak to teen mom and abstinence, she needs a new manager. If she keeps giving mixed messages, she'll end up with nothing.
That is beyond bizarre.
The symbols are...candy, deserts, gowns, tea-pots, baby slathered in sweet food products.
Oh!, the hidden messages.
What is wrong with these people.
Did anyone notice the caption?
"I Don't Know If My Mom Will Run (For President)But She Should"
That is the really bizarrest thing thatI see, the rest is just fluff! or a attempt to make a Paylin into eye candy, YUK!
You think Bristol is good at modeling? I think the editor is good at Photoshop. That is not Bristols body unless she grew a foot taller and lost 40 pounds.Most everything in the photo looks to be photoshopped in,including Trip.
Something weird is going on, because the State of Alaska Recorders office website does not show Bristol Palin in ownership of any real property in the State of Alaska. Either the website isn't updated or someone is lying. The message is so twisted with this photo shoot. Its as if it is both an encouragement for teen pregnancy and the charmed life it can bring, and at the same time a slap in the face to the teen moms out there who are struggling in poverty to support their kids.
I thought same thing.
She does not look like that.
Amy Whinehouse looks like that, but not BP.
Did they photo-shop the faces in to this picture?
You all will have to excuse me, but I think, as we are wont to say in the South, that she looks a hot mess. Not that the dress is not nice, but the artificiality of the picture is a turn off for me. A better picture of her would have been her in a casual outfit in a scenic setting holding Tripp.
She also said everyone should earn their own money. She might as well have said if you want to be rich like my mom and me you have to be a whore. We know she didn't get to be a model or a role on TV by all the hard work she put in with voice, acting, modeling classes, etc. She also didn't get to be a writer and speaker because of her journalism classes in college. It's outrageous that they are treated like they are something special just for being bitches and spreading their legs. Or maybe just a blow job will do it for some. Just shows the lack of morals in this country and their proud of it.
Sorry Bristle wish all you want your mom can run for POTUS, a few million may love her, but millions more can't stand her. Anyone who loves their freedom and cares about this country know better than to vote for her. We have much higher standards than her.
Some clothes and scenes can be disasters for any model. A lot depends on the photograpy, pre/post production work. This model/photo/scene works ... it sent me to the store's website.
To someone asking whether the highchair is a Cosco ... it may be, because although I looked and didn't see that one, there was one Cosco chair had a footrest and seat/back hinge like the one in the picture. It would be interesting to find out how products/stores get mentioned in fashion magazines.
Personally, I can't hold against her that she's Sarah Palin's daughter and had an unplanned pregnancy. Everyone is a victim/beneficiary of their circumstances ... she's doing what she can with them ... yes, she could do something else, but she is doing something ...
Wow! Anon @ 6:17 AM! Which museum is that? When will you be there? You may steal the show.
majii, thanks for 'hot mess' ... ads are supposed to get your attention ...
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