Sunday, April 24, 2011

Palin pal says she is not running

From Politico's Palin not running, Graham says:

Sarah Palin doesn't like politics and is not running for president, Rev. Franklin Graham says.

The influential - and controversial - pastor has traveled with Palin to Haiti and said said the former Republican vice presidential candidate "likes speaking on the issues, and I agree with many of the issues she brings up. I don't see her as running for president."

He is otherwise undecided on the other presidential candidates, he said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC's "This Week." ...

And from ABC News' story, "Franklin Graham: Trump Might Be Candidate of Choice," the clip from Christiane Amanpour's interview with Graham on "This Week:"

I don't know whether Graham has been told by Palin that she won't run.

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